
Friday, April 10, 2009

BlogAversary Blog Candy

This is quite amazing, I have had this blog for almost a year now. My Blog's One Year Birthday is this month, on April 21st!! I think it has been a successful year.. My Blog is rated at 144, that is in the third rank with the Stamping Top 50!! I have had more then 97,000 visits!! I have more then 100 Followers and almost 200 email subscribers!! My Blog is being visited by people from 90 different countries!!

I want to thank all of you for coming to visit my blog and for all your comments and the emails. I appreciate all the support you have given me!!

Here is what I have for the Blog Candy this time:

- ever so popular Top Note Big Shot die cut from Stampin Up (this one will work in your Cuttlebug too)
- pack of Shimmery White Stampin Up cardstock
- three Stampin Up ink pads (Kiwi Kiss, Baja Breeze and Tangerine Tango)
- "Birthday Whimsy" Stampin Up stamp set
- various Birthday themed stickers and embellishments
- alterable Door Hanger
- backet of Prima Flowers
- Fiskars border punch
- three Copic Markers (R11, Y13 and YG03)
- two Magnolia stamps (three houses and the sun)

And here is what you need to do to enter.. Just leave a comment under this post with the Birthday Wish for my Blog. To receive a second entry, mention my Blog Candy on your blog and then leave a second comment here. Oh, and this is IMPORTANT, I will ask you again to please number your entry.

Edited to add.. If you enter into my Blog Candy but do not have a blog or if your profile set as "hidden", please provide your email address in your comment. Otherwise, I won't be able to contact you if you win..

I will draw the winning number on Tuesday, April 21st at around 9 pm PST.

:) Irina


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Axes DesigNs said... 1

Hey.. Am I the first?? Yeah.. congratulations for your BlogAversary!!! wow... so many people visiting you did a great job... I'll post your blog in mine :)
I hope I get lucky jut to be the first :)

Axes DesigNs said... 2

Oh......... My Wish is.... I hope you have more visitors for next year in your blog... more love and more Health forever and lots of friends like me !!!

Tink said... 3

Well today is my Birthday , I wish ... To win your Blog candy!! LOL!
I would Love it all.

Tink said... 4

I just posted about your blog candy ..

Sharon Caudle said... 5

#5 here Irina! This is some really yummy blog candy! Thanks for the fun!!

jules p said... 6

Pretty cool. To think you have people from 90 different countries?!? that is awesome.

congrats on the anniversary.

Adair said... 7

#7 Congratulations!!! I love following your blog. You inspire so many with your talent and creativity. I wish I was closer to you and able to attend your classes.

Stampin'Piper said... 8

What a great Candy! Congratulation for one really successful year!

I'll post it on my Blog!

Happy Easter, Hugs Tanja

AnnS said... 9

Happy blogaversary Irina. What wonderful candy. I'm off to post this on my blog.

#9 AnnS

Rachel Hope said... 10


Happy Happy Blog Birthday!!! :)

Rachel Hope said... 11

#11 I am adding you to my Blog's "Candy Bar" right now!

Anonymous said... 12

#12 Fab blog and great blog candy

Anonymous said... 13

#12 again, have just added your candy to my side bar

Vivi Casale said... 14

#12 Congratulaions Irina on you blogavversary!!
I'm one of those 90 countries (Brazil) that visit you reguraly!!
I'm glad to have found your work!

Vivi Casale

Vivi Casale said... 15

#13 I'll have a link of your candy in my blog!
Vivi Casale

Georgia said... 16

Hey, Here is wishing another year of wonderful things. Your blog is awesome. Love all the great Ideas

Amy Leggate- Paper Romance said... 17

My wish is for you to have twice as many visitors next year!
Love your cards!

Amy Leggate- Paper Romance said... 18

I posted a link on my blog!

razarnoff said... 19

# 15 Wow, been a year already?? Congratulations. As you know I follow you to classes, to your blog, just about everywhere!! You have followers everywhere. Doesn't that make you feel so good that we have so much in common?? Love your blog candy.

Jenny V. said... 20

#17 Happy BlogAversary and many more to come. Thanks for a chance to win your lovely candy. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.


Jenny V. said... 21

Actually #20 not #17 sorry and I post a link on my blog. Thanks again.


knag said... 22

Irina, Congratulations on your "blogaversary"! I'm not sure what number I am on the list, but I think it's #21...(it could be #22 by the time this comment posts). In any case, I enjoy reading your blog. You're so creative! Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Easter!

Kym's Crafty Cards said... 23

# 22 Congratulations Irina on your blogoversary and to have followers in 90 countries - that's a wonderful achievement. Would love to be included for the blog candy. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Kym's Crafty Cards said... 24

#23 I have added a link in the sidebar on my blog. My blog for you would be for further success with your blog in the coming years. A wish for me would be to get rid of this blessed CFS/ME. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Merry said... 25

#24 Hi Irina what a terrific blog thanks for the chance to win your wonderful blog candy....and congrats on all your achievements.

Merry said... 26

#25 I have added a link here.

Lisa T said... 27

I'm not sure if #25 (that's what the person before me is) or #28 (your blog says there are 27 comments)...

Happy first birthday! Congrats on the success of your blog, as well. I just "discovered" it today while bloghopping off of the Magnolia list.

Sue said... 28

#30 Congratulations on your one year anniversary. 90 countries that is a lot - you do great work.

Valerie said... 29

Happy Birthday to your Blog. Congrats on a successful year.

Anne said... 30

No 31
Hi Irina
That sure is wonderdul candy you have on offer, thanks for the chance to win.
Big congrats too on your blog doing so well although I'm not at all surprised as your blog is fabby

Anne said... 31

No 32
Just be leaving my 2nd comment Irina,I've left a link on my candy bar for you

denise said... 32

I just found your blog....
so be ready for more visitors
to your far....
I will be back...thanks
for the chance to win such
awesome blog candy!

katydid said... 33

Happy "Blogaversary" to you!
Happy "Blogaversary" to you!
Happy "Blogaversary" Irina's Blog!!!
Happy "Blogaversary" to you!
I wish you many more years of success!!!
P.S. I like candy!!!

Phyllis Zimmerman said... 34



Anonymous said... 35

#36 Congratualtions on your blogaversary and Thank-you for your wonderful blog. I look forward to seeing you wonderful creations and always learn something from them. I only wish I lived close enough to attend your classes.
Thank-you also for the chance to win this beautiful blog candy. I am starting to dabble in copics and if I won this would double my collection (yes, I only have three at the moment).

Have a happy Easter,

ChrisaBella said... 36

No 37
Congratulations on your first year. I love coming to your blog and seeing all of the wonderful creations that you have come up with. Wish I lived closer to the store so I could participate in classes.

Jayne Xavier said... 37

Number 38
Happy Anniversary on your blog. And to think I just discovered it!!
Keep up the great work on your locvely cards--

Anonymous said... 38

Congrats on your blog's anniversary - your cards are lovely and inspirational.

~Sharon T.

Julia said... 39


I LOVE visiting your blog and getting inspiration from your beautiful projects! Congrats on your blogaversary!

Julia said... 40


I put a link on my blog.

dorism6220 said... 41

#43 Happy bloganniversary - I enjoy looking at the cards you create.

Lisa W said... 42

Happy Blogaversary. I love your card samples and wow, what candy to win. I love getting the emails to check what new cards you have done. Here's to another year ahead.

Lisa W

Formerly known as: Queen of Bling said... 43

#45 Happy Birthday / Anniversary, I follow your blog and love it! You are soooo talented. Thanks for sharing your info and knowledge, now I'm off to my blog to leave a comment about your's!

Formerly known as: Queen of Bling said... 44

#46 Here's the link to my blog sharing your great Candy Giveaway! Congrats again!!! Laurie's Layout

Anonymous said... 45

Hi Irina, Happy Blogaversary to you! I was at Cranberry Mercantile this morning! Looked at your new cards and they are gorgeous!


Tracey said... 46

#48 - Congrats on your blogoversary Irina! And thank you for the chance at the fabulous candy!!

Tracey said... 47

#49 - I'm back again to let you know I linked your candy to my sidebar!! :)

Ms. Cheryl said... 48

You always inspire me and visiting your blog brightens my day.I'm already a follower of course.
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway, ms.cheryl

slbt17 said... 49

#51 Happy Anniversary - what talent you have - thanks for the fun and keep up the posting, I am enjoying your art!
slbt17 at yahoo dot com

Ms. Cheryl said... 50

#51 I have added your candy picture and blog link in a post on my blog here: . Again, Thank you, ms.cheryl

Linda S. said... 51

#53 Hard to tell the correct number, there are two #52 above this. My congratulations on having such wonderful stats on your first year of blogging. It tells the world (literally) how good your work is!! Your candy looks yummy, and I appreciate the chance even though I do not have a blog. Thank you. Linda S. in NE lsfouratwindstreamdotnet

Alex (Paper-and-More) said... 52

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Dein Candy ist Mega, spitzen Klasse!
Schon mal ein DAnke, das ich dieses Candy gewinnen kann.
Ich werde es auf meinem Blog in die Sidebar setzen!

Grüße aus Deutschland

Anonymous said... 53

Happy BlogAversary! Yours is a site I visit OFTEN. Keep up the fantastic artwork. We all love it.

Debbie in Bellevue, WA

Brenda said... 54

How wonderful congrats on your blogaversary and all the visits. I am not surprised by all the visitors to your site, because it is a great place for inspiration and beautiful cards. Thank you for the chance to win some great goodies.

KellyW said... 55

Happy Anniversary on your blog! Continued success!!

According to the "comments" I am #56.


KellyW said... 56

I left a post on my blog telling about your blog candy and have also become a follower!

I don't know if you want this to be comment #56 again or if you want me to go on to #57...LOL! but there are both numbers!


Judi said... 57

I think I'm #58. Congratulations on a great first year!!! My wish for you is continued success.

Judi said... 58

Here is my second post since I have added this blog candy to my blog! I believe this is #59 (but I'm wondering if it's #60 since the comments number says there have been 59, yikes) Best wishes again!

Rosetta Jenkins said... 59

Tks for offering fantastic BlogAversary Blog Candy. I am surprised that you are so young! Your blog is absolutely the best. Happiest Anniversary. This is only the beginning. WOW!

Rosetta Jenkins said... 60

Got to tell you, wonderful things happen in April. First, your anniversary and then, my birthday. Again, tks for offering the candy as in BlogAversary Blog Candy.

Suzan L said... 61

Happy 1st Blog Anniversary Irina!
I've really enjoyed visiting your Blog and I have been inspired by all your beautiful cards. I can see why your Blog is so popular. I can't wait to see what you create this next year.
Happy Stamping!

Deborah said... 62

Congratulations on your blog. It's a lot of work and we appreciate that you do it.

Thanks so much. I love your work.

Chris ChCh NZ said... 63

Hey, Congratulations on your blogaversary. Well done. I look forward to your blog additions, I love your style of cards and your generosity - sharing your talent with so many from all over the world.

Nicole said... 64

#65! Congratulations on all your success over the past year. Thanks for teaching and inspiring me in my paper crafting, and I wish you many more blogaversaries!

Amy said... 65

Happy BlogAversary! Thanks for sharing so much fabulous inspiration (and fun blog candy, too)!!!

gocanucksgo said... 66

#66 Hi Irina! Glad to hear you're feeling a lot better. Happy 1st blogaversary!!!! Congrats on all your accomplishments with the blog and everything else. Keep up the amazing work and hope you can hit that million mark soon ;) sorry forgot the e-mail canucks _ revelation @ yahoo . com Thank you!!!

Lynne in NI said... 67

Congratulations on your blogaversary and best wishes for the next year! I'd love to win your candy ... fingers crossed!

Lynne in NI said... 68

Sorry - forgot to number last post.
Anyway I've linked you on my blog Here

MalinL said... 69

Happy BlogAversary!! Time really flies by!! And I'm not suprised that so many are following you (including me) as your work are sooo gorgeous!!

I guess I'll be #72

MalinL said... 70

I have also linked on the sidebar in my blog..


Wendy Swenne said... 71


Happy blogoversary!
Thanks for a chance to win such a sweet candy!

I put alink on my blog

Anonymous said... 72

I've missed you. Glad you're feeling better. Happy BlogAversary!


Татьяна Шаргородская said... 73


Happy Birthday to you blog! I wish you many visitors and beautiful creations!!!

Татьяна Шаргородская said... 74

I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
Thanks for a chance to win!


ribenaruby said... 75

# 78 Enjoyed coming to your wonderful blog for your lovely magnolia creations, thank you for all the inspiration and a very happy blogaversary!

ribenaruby said... 76

# 79 my second entry, link is on my side bar. Thank you for the chance.

Stacey said... 77


WOW!! Happy Blogaversary to you, and here is wishing you many more happy blogaversaries to come...

I think it is really great of you to give us this wonderful blog candy for your blogaversary... I love following your blog and I am even developing my courage to start my own blog in the near future.

Adiya said... 78

#81 Happy Blogoversary!
My wish for your blog is to at least double the visitors...and to continue make them inspired by your art work!

Adiya said... 79

My second entry, linked your Blog candy in my blog:
(On the right side bar)

Happy Blogaversary and many more to come!


Helena (Gvendalen) said... 80

congratulations for your BlogAversary!
This is really yummy blog candy! Thanks for the fun!!

Jamochka said... 81

I’m #84 – oh, this is my birth-year))

Irina!!! My congratulations on you blogAversary! I wish your blog have much more visitors for the next year. And thank you very much for the inspiration and grate projects you show in your blog)))

Jamochka said... 82

# 85
Hi, It's me again
I have put a link+picture to your candy on my sidebar here .
I cross my fingers))

Fi said... 83

No. 86

Happy Blog Birthday!! I wish you all the very best for the upcoming year and hope you have many more visitors! I will certainly be one of them- I love your creations (esp what you've done with the tilda blowing kisses stamp in your most recent make- what a fab idea!)

Thanks for the chance!

Fi said... 84

No 87

I've added a link to your candy on my blog for a 2nd entry!

Thanks again!

Deanette said... 85

#88 Congratulations on your one year blogaversary! You are one talented stamper! Thanks for sharing!

Bunny B said... 86

Happy Birthday Bloggy!! Wishing you all the best for the next year!
bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said... 87

#90 Blogged:
bunnybx at gmail . com

Jenn K said... 88

#91 Congrats on your blog anniversary! How exciting!

Pam S. said... 89

Irina - Happy BlogAversary! I have appreciated all that you have shared w/the stamping world! The inspiration is wonderful and you use stamp companies that I like!
Pam Going Postal

PBrown9624 said... 90

#92 Congrats on having a great & successful blog. Your creations are such an inspiration. I wish I lived near you to take your classes..the projects are always beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity to win some fun candy!

Amanda said... 91


Happy Blogaversary! Congratulations on all of your blogging success. Thank you for the chance to win this lovely candy. I'd love to win! :)

Amanda said... 92


This is my 2nd entry. I have added a link to your blog/candy on the sidebar of mine. :)

Linda said... 93

Irina, Happy, Happy, blogAversary! I do not have a blog...

Your cards and creations are can tell by how many ppl follow you and how many countries do too... You are such an inspiration to ALL OF US!

Wonderful blog candy!

Sarah said... 94

Congrats on your anniversary! I love your blog. Your samples are just fabulous. Wishing you more time to get it all done! :)

Lainy's Little Blog said... 95

Wow! What a successful year you've had Irina, no wonder as your work is amazing. Great candy to celebrate too. I have become a follower as I'll be back constantly from now on and I have posted a link to your candy on my blog. Hugs, Lainy xxx

Lainy's Little Blog said... 96

Sorry! I forgot to number my entry - number 98! Lainy x

Ksenia said... 97

Irina!!! My congratulations on you blogaversary! Wish you another creative year!

Ksenia said... 98

My link to your candy

Anonymous said... 99

Lovely candy!
Congratulations on your Blogaversary!!! Wish you more permanent visitors in your blog!

Anonymous said... 100

Me again. I put a link on my sidebar.

Кристина said... 101

Hello, Irina!!!
Thank you very much for your inspiring works and for your blog candy! it's really wonderful!!! I will be happy if I get it!!!!!!
And my wish: to inspire more and more and be inspired always!!!

Кристина said... 102

And here is my second opportunity.
And here is a link to your candy:

PattiM said... 103

I wish you continued blog happiness, some me time and for your loved ones to always surround you.


(Pattie's passion)

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!

Charmaine said... 104

107...Happy blogiversary! Thanks for all the great information and inspiration you provide to us everyday!


Diana said... 105


Happy Anniversary! WOW, your blog is totally rockin!

Diana said... 106

Hi there!
I linked your candy on my side bar - I hope you get lots more hits!
You can see my blog here.
thanks for a shot at the great candy!

Anonymous said... 107

Happy Anniversary on your wonderful first year of your blog site...You always have such wonderful art work and it's an inspiration to people like me..
Thank you for the opportunity to try for your wonderful blog candy.
Thank you Irina and good luck on your many years to come..


Sandi Counceller said... 108

#111 - forgot to number before...

Happy Birthday - this is my first time visiting - love all of your info and products!

Sandi Counceller said... 109

#112 - I put your giveaway on my blog!

Helena (Gvendalen) said... 110

I've linked your candy on my sidebar.
Thanks for a chance to win!

Anonymous said... 111

Congratulations!!!!! You are an inspiration...

Joelle Brooks

Annelies said... 112

116: happy blogaversary! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win such great candy! I've been looking for that Magnolia sun for a while, but can't find it here in Belgium anymore, so I would very much like to win it! Greetings, Annelies

Anonymous said... 113

Happy Blogaversary! I really enjoy lurking around your blog. Your Magnolia cards are simply wonderful!

Anita said... 114

Happy Blog Anniversary. My birthday wish is to see your beautiful projects. #117

Anita said... 115

#118 I posted on my blog about your blog candy.

Ayelet said... 116

#120 Happy Blogoversary!
The candy is absolutely great, thanks for the chance to win it!
I love your blog and also became a follower.


Ayelet said... 117

#121 I have also pic linked your blog candy on my sidebar here

Beth said... 118

#122 My Birthday Wish for your Blog is that it gets more recognition for the talent and care that goes into it.

cathi said... 119

it says that I am #123
so that is 123 Great Wishes for your blog!!

I have just started (and probably stopped a blog) so my address should I be the lucky winner is:

jamielady said... 120

Holy mackeral you are almost at one hundred thousand hits! That is fabulous!!! And that because its a great Blog!! I cant decide which parts I like best! Ive got my fingers crossed for the Blog Candy which is icing on the cake!
Thank you for sharing~

JessicaK said... 121

Wow - Happy Blogaversary Irina. My wish for you is more and more and more visitors in the next year (I know I'll be one of them :D) and tons more fantastic creations, just like the ones you've been doing.

StampinCathy said... 122

Congrats on your 1 year BlogAversary! This is some awesome celebration candy. I just love your creative and inspiring projects. Thanks for a chance.

Yvonne said... 123

OH my , what a lovely candy you have.cant belive my eyes,
And well done on so many hits, all in a yesr .. SO happy Blog Birthday for the 21st x

Yvonne said... 124

I have added you to my blog and i am now a follower. Such beautiful work.

Clarice said... 125

Holy smokes! that is some blog candy! Congratulations on your BlogAversary. here's to wishing you many, many more.

Melissa said... 126

Congrats on your success! Thanks for the chance to win!

Claudia said... 127

Hi, I am one of you big fans!!! I love your work. Congrats on your anniversary!!I think I am #131

Nelly said... 128

Congrats on all your blogging success and happy birthday to your blog! I love the blog candy; its a wonderful lot!! Thanks for your generosity.

Lilacanglia said... 129

Hi, thank you for the chance to win some great crafty stuff, this would help my addiction, lol,

Lilacanglia said... 130

Have left a link in my side bar for your blog,

Fern said... 131
This comment has been removed by the author.
may-chu said... 132

well, since you said to send my wishes for the blog, I'll greet him!
dear blog!
hope you'll be filled with lots of posts, always popular and never forgotten, colorful and pretty! may your blogger be the happiest and fill you with good news only!
and just to make you even more popular, I wrote about you in my blog:
happy B-day!

Sena said... 133

#137 Happy Anniversary, dear Blog! May you have a great year ahead with tonnes of visitors!

Esme said... 134


Happy BlogAversary!! Congratulations on having such a popular blog!

Just off to post a link on my blog then I'll pop back and comment again.

Esme x

Sena said... 135

#138 I have you linked at

Esme said... 136


I have put a link to your blog at:

Esme x

AnnS said... 137

Just posted on my blog.
E-mail add. is:

Anonymous said... 138

Thanks for the chance to win!
I will includ the link to your blog on my sidebar.
Feel free to check out my blog!

Anonymous said... 139

Just added the link.

Becky H said... 140

Happy Birthday on your blog being 1 yr. old. I enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

Becky H. said... 141

#144 - Oooppppssss, I forgot the number on my post.

Pam said... 142

#145...Happy Birthday on your blog being 1 year old. Congrats. I don't have a blog yet, but I will spread the word to my crafy friends. Thanks for the chance to win your great candy.

Unknown said... 143

Congrads on your blogaversary.
I'd put you on my blog blog! Thanks for a year of inspiration.

Anonymous said... 144

Happy Blog-anniversary! You must be so happy!!I'm glad for you.
I would love to win your blog candy.
Thank you for doing this

rudie2shoes said... 145

#148, congrats on your blogaversay!

Linda w said... 146

Irina happy first blogaversary. My wish for you is another wonderful year of blogging.

thanks much

Adi said... 147


Hi, happy 1st blogoversary, ang congratulations for so many hits!!! Wishing you many more hits and creative posts!!!

Blessings from Israel,

Adi said... 148


I posted a link to your sweet candy in my blog:


orna a said... 149

Happy Birthday for 1st year to your lovely blog, and many more to come! Thank you so much for your lovely candy! I hope I win!!! I don't have a blog but I did subscribed and a follower as well. my email:

orna a said... 150


oops i forgot to number my entry: so here my comment again (sorry ...):

Happy Birthday for 1st year to your lovely blog, and many more to come! Thank you so much for your lovely candy! I hope I win!!! I don't have a blog but I did subscribed and a follower as well. my email:


Liz said... 151

Thanks for a heavenly candy, and i hope you send to the other side of the world, to Sweden.
Hugs from Liz in Malmberget, Sweden.
I have posted you to my blog;
Hugs from Liz in Malmberget, Sweden.

cathy said... 152

Congratulations on your birthday and great success!!

cathy said... 153

I've linked you up on my blog.

Karen Sue said... 154

Hi, you have a beautiful blog, I'm enjoying looking at your cards, the one with the girl stamp in front of a present is beautiful
I'll post about your candy on my blog

Karen Sue said... 155

left a comment and picture of your candy on my blog

Rose Fletcher said... 156

#159 Congradulations. Wonder what the numbers will be at the end of next year and anniversary #2. You have a great blog and it is always inspiring to visit. Here's to another great year.

Cher said... 157

Hi..#161 here I guess. Congrads. Not surprised u have so many hits, as your blog is awesome as is your work. I love that you share so much here too. I have no blog, but my email is and I would love to win this one. God Bless you and your Blog cuz folks like you make folks like me very happy! Cher

Cher said... 158

Hi, # 162...forgot to mention I have been a follower...and ty for the chance to win! Happy Day! Cher

doina said... 159

I do not know about others, but your classes and cards bring joy to my daily existence. I keep the samples in a"treasure "box and I look at them quite often I must confess! You are a true artist and I am not surprised that so many people admire your work.

Maylee said... 160

#164 Congratulations on your first Blogaversary! Love all your Tilda cards.

Zorulka said... 161

What a great Candy! I'll post it on my Blog!

Zorulka said... 162

# 166 - Congrats on your blogoversary! And thank you for the chance at the fabulous candy!!

Angie said... 163

Happy Blog-iversary!!! I wish for many more inspiring years of blogging to come!

Heidi said... 164

My birthday wish for you is I hope you have a wonderfuly beautiful day filled with joy, family and fun goodies! LOL!

Heidi said... 165

I have posted a link on my candry roll call on my blog!

fitsandstarts said... 166
This comment has been removed by the author.
fitsandstarts said... 167

OK... I think I am #170.... This is my first blog comment wishing you a Happy Bloaversary!!! I wish that you'll see many more!

fitsandstarts said... 168

Here's my second post, letting you know that I have linked to you on my blog.


Rose said... 169

#172 Hi Irina-Have missed reading your blog these last couple of weeks & seeing all your creations. Welcome back and congratulations on your anniversary blog site.
Love it. Need my daily fix of creativity!

Bea said... 170

Congratulations Irina! You deserve all good things that come your way. From the first time I met you at the Carson convention in April you have been so generous in sharing your ART and TIME with us!

Pegg S said... 171

Congrats on your Blogaversary!! I love seeing your beautiful cards -- gather such inspiration from you. Thanks for taking the time to share your work. Enjoy the celebration!

Denise said... 172

176. Well if you have that many visitors, I guess you must be doing something right. I visit your blog almost every day. I love your creations. Congrats on your anniversary. Here's to 100,000 more hits.

Denise H.

Алена Кинчерова said... 173

177. Hello! I'm from Russia. Its a super candy! I added a link to my blog:

Norma said... 174

Irina, congrats on your one-year blogaversary and the success of you blog. I just love visiting your blog to see what you've done next. Thanks for the opportunity for the blog candy--very generous.

Norma said... 175

I've just posted your blog candy on my blog.
Here's the link to my blog

Vectrarola said... 176

#180 - Hi I have put your Candy blog at my Blog :o)

Thank you for this lovely Candy!

Heike's Creativeplace said... 177

Wow, Irina what a wonderful Blogcandy. Congratulations for your Blogaversary....Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar....


Anonymous said... 178

May this post bring you another successful year of blogging and designing those super cards.

Carol (

Diamond Doll said... 179

Congrats on your 1st Blogaversary and having such a Fab blog.I would love to win your yummy candy.
Trish (-:

Diamond Doll said... 180

I have linked your candy ion my sidebar.
Trish (-:

Floratita said... 181

Happy birthday to your blog Irina. This is great. Your blog is beautiful as always. Keep the goog work.


Floratita said... 182


Your blog candy is now on my blog Irina.

Good luck to all of you.

Anonymous said... 183

#186. Gee, you've become a part of my EVERYDAY life. I so look forward to your next post. My wish is that you continue your excellent work so that I can get my fix everyday.

Froggy said... 184


Happy 1st Blogaversary!!! Hope you have many more!!


Deana said... 185

#188 Congratulations on your blogaversary! A year really goes by quickly doesn't it. Hope the next year brings as many cute projects as the first. Thanks for the chance to win.



Deana said... 186

#189 I have linked your candy in my sidebar and also become a follower. Thanks again!


LeBizyB said... 187

Congratulations on your blogversary, visitors and followers. May the next year be juast as great as the last.

LeBizyB said... 188

Great celebration. I've got it poasted with a picture and all on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous candy giveaway.

This is my second entry.

lyndsey @ the stationery place said... 189

happy happy birthday! that is so exciting :) #193 i think...and i hope you have many more years to follow!

Anne B. said... 190

Congratulations! Love your cards!

abackman66 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... 191

195 ??
congratulations! My wish for you is all the best, good health and keep up your lovely artcraft!

Love your blog!

thanks for this great chance to win!

Anonymous said... 192

and of course I posted your great candy on my blog in the sidebar!

denize said... 193

Congratulations on this date!!!!! Wish you luck, love and happiness...thanks for giving chance to win your wonderful giveaway.

denize said... 194

My link is http://denize-n-hobby.bloMy link is, and I've put the link of your blog on my sidebar!

Alison said... 195

Happy 1st Blogaversary.

You`re designs are absolutely stunning, will definitely be signing up to follow your blog.

Thanks for the chance to win your blog candy.


lalalla said... 196


congrats ! here is my blog

greetings from Poland

Maria said... 197

Hi from Israel!! Congrats on your upcoming Blogaversary!!!
I wish that the number of your visitors will be dubled next year...
Great blog!

emily13 said... 198

Number 202 if i follow the other numbers, but it says there are 197 comments, so I might be 198?!

Many Happy Returns, big congrats :)

Lots of luck everyone, it's a great prize!

Em x

Picotine said... 199

Congratulations team worker on Magenta DT !! You're so great artist.

Picotine said... 200

201 now. You're on my blog.

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