
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Have you heard?

La-La Land Crafts just released a NEW Collection of Summer stamps!! 

There are six NEW Marci and Luka images, three of Marci and three of Luka!!

Adorable, huh??!!  All of these NEW stamps are now available for purchase in our online store!!  Oh, and by the way, we gave our store a HUGE and COMPLETE makeover!!  Click HERE to check it out!!



Silvia said...

Molto carini i tuoi personaggi creati. Amo anch' io i cartoni animati e so disegnarli, ben presto ne inseririrò alcune nei mei post...
E' un' idea originale creare dei francobolli mi piace molto...
Aspetto con ansia il tuo nuovo post baci Silvia